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Chin Augmentation Options

Posted November 01, 2020 in Non-Surgical Treatments, Plastic Surgery

Chin Augmentation  Many people suffer from a weak or recessive chin. This makes their facial features appear disproportionate. The lower jaw looks set back as compared to the upper jaw. Retruded chin or recessive chin can make your jawline appear less defined. It can also make your neck appear fleshier. These conditions can be corrected […]

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Lymphedema Post Plastic Surgery Diagnosis & Treatment

Posted October 27, 2020 in Plastic Surgery

Lymphedema Post Plastic Surgery  Lymphedema is a condition in which patients develop a painful swelling in their arms or legs. This is caused due to a failure in function of the lymph nodes due to which the fluid of the lymph from the extremities is affected. Primary lymphedema is a birth defect but less common […]

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What is Breast Augmentation Mastopexy (BAM)?

Posted October 25, 2020 in Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation Mastopexy (BAM) Breast augmentation mastopexy surgery is recommended for women that want tighter, lifted, and larger breasts. Women worried about sagging breasts with considerable loss of volume make ideal candidates for the procedure. Your cosmetic surgeon may recommend the procedure if your nipples are pointing downwards and you want to enhance the shape […]

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Nipple And Areola Reduction Surgery 

Posted October 04, 2020 in Breast Augmentation

Nipple Surgery  Many women dislike the appearance of their breasts if they have large-sized nipples and areolas. This also causes them to lose confidence when wearing certain clothing or in intimate situations. Nipple and areola reduction cosmetic surgery can help address such concerns.  Discuss your concerns with your surgeon during the initial consultation before making a final […]

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What is a weak chin / jaw line and what can you do about it? 

Posted September 24, 2020 in Plastic Surgery

Strengthen Your Jawline With Surgery or Dermal Fillers A prominent chin adds definition to any face in both men and women. When the chin appears to be set behind, it makes the jawline appear weak and detracts from the overall appearance of the face. Mentoplasty or chin implant surgery is a form of facial cosmetic surgery that […]

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Are you a candidate for liposuction surgery? 

Posted September 20, 2020 in Plastic Surgery

Liposuction surgery Stubborn fatty tissue deposits in certain areas of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and flanks can get difficult to eliminate with diet and exercise alone. If you have been struggling with unsightly bulges, you may consider liposuction body contouring cosmetic surgery.  During your initial consultation, your surgeon will determine whether liposuction […]

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Are you a Candidate for tummy tuck surgery? 

Posted September 13, 2020 in Plastic Surgery

Tummy tuck surgery If you are self-conscious about the appearance of loose and sagging skin around your mid-section, or have developed weakened or separated abdominal muscles following a major weight loss or pregnancy, you could benefit the most from tummy tuck cosmetic surgery.  At the time of your pre-operative consultation, your surgeon will determine your candidacy […]

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How much does a breast lift with implants cost? 

Posted August 25, 2020 in Breast Augmentation

Breast lift with implants  Breast lift with augmentation is primarily an elective procedure designed to increase the breast size and improve the firmness and positioning of the breasts. Insurance providers usually do not cover this procedure, which makes the procedure cost an important factor in decision-making.   But while costs and budget are important, your safety […]

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Recovery From Breast Lift Surgery With Implants

Posted August 20, 2020 in Breast Augmentation

Breast Lift Surgery With Implants  At the time of your initial consultation for breast augmentation with lift cosmetic surgery, your surgeon will discuss all aspects of the procedure, including the estimated recovery.   You will also receive instructions for post-surgical care once your procedure is completed. If you stay committed to the recovery process, you can […]

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