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Fat Transfer To Breast vs Implants

Breast Augmentation

July 05, 2022 | 4 minute read

Fat Transfer To Breast vs Implants | El Paso TX Plastic SurgeryA popular option besides breast implants while considering augmenting the breasts is fat transfer. You should discuss in detail with your surgeon regarding the pros, cons, and suitability of both procedures. While fat transfer may seem like the more natural choice, it is not always the right one. 

Breast implants act as the better alternative for certain patients. Your surgeon will explain the two procedures and help you decide the best procedure for your needs. Envy Aesthetic Center, led by cordial board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Marco Gonzalez, provides breast augmentation surgery with fat transfer and with implants to patients in El Paso, TX, and surrounding communities. 

What are Breast Implants?

Breast implants are used for augmenting the breasts to regain lost volume after giving birth or losing weight or attaining a larger size. The procedure can be used for reconstructing the breasts following a mastectomy as well. Modern implants are available in different shapes and sizes. They are made from different materials, such as silicone gel and saline. 

You can choose between saline, traditional silicone gel, and highly-cohesive, form-stable silicone gel. Breast implants can be placed under or over the pectoral (chest) muscle. The incision can be made under the natural fold of the breast, under the arm, or around the areola. 

Overview of Fat Transfer to Breasts Procedure

Fat transfer is an alternative to enhancing your breasts when you don’t want implants. It involves harvesting fat from a donor site on your body, such as the flanks, thighs, or abdomen and inserting it at the breasts. Fat transfer allows for softer and more natural feeling results. 

The plastic surgery procedure offers dual benefits of enhancing the breasts while removing excess fat from another body area. You can contour another body part while augmenting the shape and size of your breasts at the same time. 

Suitability for Breast Implants

There are certain situations in which implants are the superior choice for enhancing the breasts. They are probably the better choice when you are looking to increase the size of your breasts by more than half a cup size. They are the ideal option when you want to get more long-term results. The results from breast implants usually last for at least 15 – 20 years. Moreover, you would need a revision surgery to exchange the implants after this time. 

When to Use Fat Grafting for Breast Enhancement?

Fat transfer cosmetic surgery for breast augmentation is a great option for patients that want to enhance their breasts and contour another body part. It’s recommended for patients that want a more subtle or natural chance. It’s beneficial when you want to make smaller changes. 

The procedure can be used for smoothing changes following a lumpectomy or evening out asymmetrical breasts. Fat transfer may be the right option if you don’t relish the idea of having a foreign medical device in your body. It’s recommended for patients that want a subtle change to their breast size and want it to feel soft and natural. 

Proven cosmetic surgeon Dr. Marco Gonzalez receives patients from El Paso, TX, and nearby areas for breast augmentation with fat grafting and with implants.

Contact El Paso, TX Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Marco A. Gonzalez

For more information on Plastic Surgery (cirugía plástica) and Non-Surgical Medical Spa procedures and treatments, please contact the offices of Board Certified Plastic Surgeon (cirujano plástico), Dr. Marco A. Gonzalez (Dr. G) by clicking here or calling 915-600-2639.

Serving patients in El Paso Texas, Las Cruces New Mexico, Ciudad Juárez Mexico and surrounding areas.

Para obtener más información sobre cirugía plástica y procedimientos y tratamientos de spa médico no quirúrgico, comuníquese con las oficinas del cirujano plástico certificado por la junta, Dr. Marco A. Gonzalez (Dr. G) haciendo clic aquí o llamando 915-600-2639.

Sirviendo a pacientes en El Paso Texas, Las Cruces Nuevo México, Ciudad Juárez México y áreas circundantes.

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